Steeped in history since 1837, Wellington School in Somerset offers a prestigious co-educational education known for its academic excellence. Their curriculum is well-rounded, featuring a variety of subjects alongside sports, music, and drama – all housed in a modern campus with top-notch facilities. Beyond academics, Wellington fosters personal growth in a supportive and nurturing environment with a strong sense of community
Sustainability is a priority, with initiatives in place to reduce their footprint. Technology is embraced to enhance learning, while community service opportunities encourage students to give back. This well-rounded approach prepares students for success in all areas of life, with a proven track record of graduates entering top universities
Wellington even offers scholarships (academic, music, sports, and arts) and a one-year intensive iGCSE program for those seeking a focused academic boost. From its extensive sports complex to its diverse extracurricular activities, Wellington provides a wealth of opportunities for students to explore their passions and thrive.